Monday, August 31, 2015

Jazzy Gospel Music

The Spirit speaks to us in what a friend of mine called 'fleeting thoughts'. I had one of those thoughts during weekly planning. I felt that I should invite a member of our branch to come with us to teach the family of a girl, who we baptized in June. The member has three rambunctious children, (legend has it that one of the twins bit a missionary), and in my mind there was no possible way that she could leave them behind to come teach with us. But I called anyway and she miraculously said she could come.

     The family has had a difficult time deciding whether or no to be baptized, but with the father a member and one of the sisters they decided to really try to find an answer and they hesitantly accepted a baptismal date. We said if they still felt unsure we could cancel it or cancel it, but we knew they could receive an answer. 

     We met the sister at the home and began the lesson after a minute or so of pleasantries. As the opening prayer ended I got nervous for the first time in a really long time to teach and taught the whole lesson in approximately 4 minutes and didn't include any questions. It only left the girls with a look on their face that could only be described as absolutely lost. The dad looked to the other native speaker, the Sister who came with us, and she began to talk about what I blasted through. I believe mothers of psychotic children are endowed with many gifts, one of them being getting and keeping the attention of anybody. This divine gift mingled with her conversion story and an impressive teaching ability, was just what the mother of the home needed. As the conversion story went on she said, "That's how I am!", as if the answer had just arrived in her heart. It was an impressive lesson to me about humility and reliance upon the Savior and the Spirit in teaching. But in the same moment of teaching me a lesson, the Lord helped this family have a very good idea what their answer will be and how it will arrive. 
     Joanne called us on Tuesday and invited us to her church. I was really excited and looking forward to it all week. The week went on and it became increasingly difficult but Joanne's church was in sight and it kept me going on. We entered the building and I heard music that brought tears to my eyes. We followed the sound of the smooth drums, a bass guitar and a soft trumpet and arrived in the sanctuary to find a jazz band. To those of you who don't know my love for music, jazz music has been a personal favorite of mine for years. It was a lot like when the family and I went to the Grand America downtown to hear the Joshua Payne Orchestra.
     The service erupted with jazzy gospel music that was unknown to me but enjoyable. I left feeling happy but realized as we got further and further away I didn't really feel at all that fulfilled or satisfied. We went to our church and prepared the sacrament. After the announcements and a brief prayer, I felt something stronger than the joy that comes from jazz music. The Spirit filled the room as the junior high students passed the emblems of the Savior's sacrifice to me and my fellow sinners. The Sacrament was a lot better. 

          Anyway, all is well. Thanks for the support!
elder thomas     

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