Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Experiment findings, Milagro!, Gaining weight and A bus ride through Mexico City

So as some of you may recall, last week my room and I decided to figure out the level of sanitation in the room adjacent to our own. The results are in and just about every single person knows them. The room across from ours is the abode of Patient Zero to the sickness that has plagued our CCM for the last week. The elder got sick just after the experiment and we avoided him for a while but then an announcement was made at a devotional. "There is a sickness in the CCM, everyone wash your hands más!" And only we knew its origin. Yes, our friends, the elders across the way plagued over six hundred people here with their lack of sanitation. However by the good grace of heaven above we were spared from this intestinal infection. Our room has not been sick. It is a milagro.

To answer a question from last week I must apologize to Metzger. I actually have gained weight. the scale we used was wrong. I have gained 15 pounds. Yes,15. No, I am not fat I am just approaching the ideal weight for a person of my stature. So yes, I'm sorry I gave you all false information and worries.

This morning we were blessed to have the opportunity to go to the temple visitors center. We left the compound and drove there. While on the way there I looked at the city. The rest of the bus was singing hymns. As I looked out I noticed the absolute dismay these people live in every day. I saw a pair of shoes laying on the ground , a little girl and a little boy ran up to them. I thought that maybe they were just looking at them because they were so beat up or something, but as I continued to watch them i noticed their clothes. They were homeless. they were going to wear those shoes. We drove on as the people in the bus sang and i noticed more and more sad things. the singing stopped for a moment and i looked out over the city as we came up onto an on ramp. The people in the buss started singing Nearer my God to Thee. I felt this city was about as far away as you could get. People were literally looking in puddles for food, dogs were roaming the streets with their homeless young companions, even the building were littered with signs of the distress. I lost it. I have never cried that hard in public before. The weight of the problems these people had to carry was tremendous and i cant even comprehend it. But for a moment i felt a love for them. I just cried and wanted to help. I am blessed with food, a home, people who care about me, and then here in Mexico City is pair of homeless kids looking for shoes in puddles. Why have I been blessed so much, even all of you reading this are more blessed then them. I just cannot believe this city, and this is just one city. I believe that the reason i was blessed with all this so I could give them the same message that has helped me live my life here at the CCM and back at home. Christ knows them as much as he knows me, and I can't wait to tell the people of Oklahoma that in two weeks.

Oh and I heard that same talk by Elder Bednar that Elder Covey did, that talk has influenced me a lot. Thank you for the message from President Uchtdorf, and I just got the letter you sent me with the card, so I think it takes mail two weeks to get here. Gabe I did get your message good luck with the play! Thank you Silly Grandma for the messages, I love hearing from you and thank you for the advice. Thank you Grandpa and Grandma Murdoch for your letter. It

I love you all and hope I don't sound like a preacher or arrogant. But I love you and I hope to see you all again so I can tell you stories!

Elder Thomas 
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