Monday, March 2, 2015

The Trombone

Immediately following my email last week, a purchase was made at the local pawn shop. (Oh a quick fact about Missouri. Imagine in your mind a place where there are pawn shops and antique shops on every corner, you got it? Welcome to Missouri.) After visiting several, and only finding one priceless beaut, The Apprentice Mad Libs, we moved to the next pawn shop. As we searched the place high and low for anything of value. I found a welding mask and almost bought it, but a greater thing was found. A trombone. My companion, being from a musically inclined family purchased it without a second thought. It was a bad idea. 
The next morning, while I was in the shower I heard a noise. It was the first of many noises as my companion attempted to relearn the instrument. That night the English elders made the discovery of the simplicity of playing the thing and Elder Wilkey took it upon himself to play it often. A few nights ago I was trying to brush my teeth but just ended up getting repeatedly hit in the head with the trombone piece you pull out to make "music". Lesson learned, never play a trombone in the bathroom. Second lesson learned, never allow the purchase of a trombone unless the person lives a zip code away from you. 

Other than that discrepancy, things are going well. Church was cancelled due to the snow and so we spent the afternoon shoveling driveways which just turned into a snow fight faster than you can say, "this shovel is giving me the worst back pain I have ever experienced in my life".

Thank you for the prayers and support I love you all!

Elder Thomas   

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